Course Syllabus

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Introduction to Business 1A Syllabus

Instructor Information

  • Instructor: Mrs. Robyn Olson
  • Email Address:
  • Room: F105
  • Phone number: (951)736-3204

Course Description

Introduction to Business 1A is designed as a survey course that will expose you to business terminology, concepts, and current business issues, with the intent of helping students develop a viable business vocabulary, foster critical and analytical thinking, and refine business decision-making skills.

The Introduction to Business 1A course could lead to you to graduate with your certificate in Business Education. Learn the business skills you need to be successful in your post high school endeavors whether you are going off to college or starting your career. The Business certificate entitles you to a seal on your transcript denoting that you earned your Business Certificate from the Corona-Norco Unified School District and the opportunity to wear a chord at graduation.  

Total of 90 hours of lecture.  

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • explain how economic indicators shape business decisions;
  • identify and analyze business cycles;
  • describe the components of a business plan and the purpose of each component;
  • identify the legal forms of business, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each;
  • describe and analyze the components of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), and explain how segmentation and research will foster an understanding of consumer behavior;
  • explain the components of a balance sheet and income statement;
  • formulate several financial ratios, and communicate the implications of those ratios for future performance of a company; and
  • explain and identify leadership and management skills necessary for a successful business.

Course Structure

This course is conducted fully online, which means you will have work to do in CANVAS for each week. The course MUST be completed by semester end. You will participate in the course using CNUSD’s course management system called CANVAS (

Course Requirements

Textbook:  Burrow, James L., Dlabay, Les, Kleindl, Brad; Pricipals of Business. 9e, Cincinnati; Sowth-Western Cengage Learning. © 2012


Computer Requirements


If you do not have access to a computer off campus, there are many computer labs on campus you can use to participate in the course. Most public libraries also have computers with internet access that you can use for free.

Computer Requirements

You will need to have an up-to-date browser, operating system and some additional software on your computer to take this class. Some of the documents in this course will be available to you in PDF form. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer, you can download it by going to

Course Communication


Announcements will be posted in CANVAS on a regular basis. They will appear on your CANVAS dashboard when you log in and/or will be sent to you directly through your preferred method of notification from CANVAS. Please make certain to check them regularly, as they will contain any important information about upcoming projects or class concerns.


In this course we will use the INBOX feature on the help corner (located in the upper right hand navigation links)to send email for private messages. You can either check your messages in the CANVAS system or set your notifications to your preferred method of contact. Please check your messages regularly. When submitting messages, please do the following:

  • Put a subject in the first line of your email subject box that describes the email content with your name, week and message subject. For example: ****YOUR NAME WEEK2 ASSIGNMENT****.
  • Send email only to the INBOX and not my personal email account.
  • Do not send messages asking general information about the class, please post those in the Q& A Forum.
  • Do not submit your assignments by message.
  • Make certain to check your messages frequently.


In online courses it is normal to have many questions about things that relate to the course, such as clarification about assignments, course materials, or assessments. Please post these in the Q&A Forum which you can access by clicking the MODULES button in the course navigation links. This forum is in the COURSE SYLLABUS MODULE. This is an open forum, and you are encouraged to give answers and help each other.


When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms it is important to understand how to interact with one another online, netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at

Course Assignments

Important Dates

The due dates for your assignments can be found in the CALENDAR in the global navigation links at the top of your screen. Please review these. In addition, I will post reminders prior to the due dates in the Announcements

Note: If you click on the assignment from the calendar, you will not be able to access it. You must access your course assignments through the MODULES.


Grading Scale

  Letter Grade





  80-89 %


  70-79 %




  59% and below


You can view your grades using the GRADES button in the course navigation links. Please check your grades regularly to make certain that I have received all your assignments. If you have a question about a grade, email me through the CANVAS INBOX. Please do not post your personal concerns in a discussion forum.

Other Course Policies


 Academic Honesty/Student Conduct

As a student at CNUSD, you are expected to follow the District's guidelines for Academic Honesty/Student Conduct. This means that you should not:

  • Cheat.
  • Plagiarize, that is, use another person’s words or ideas as your own without proper documentation.
  • Collaborate with others unless specifically requested in an assignment or discussion.
  • Let another student login to your CANVAS account.

Failure to follow this policy will result in disciplinary action which can affect your academic standing in the College. 

Please Note:

While I will try diligently to follow this schedule, I reserve the right to amend this schedule at any time during the course based on the needs, interests and progress of the class, and students are responsible for changes announced in CANVAS.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due