Course Syllabus

Math 7 Syllabus

Welcome! This is a student-centered course where we spend time discovering and investigating math concepts based on the critical-thinking and problem-solving rigor of the Common Core Standards. Students will learn how each concept is important in everyday life. Students will work independently and cooperatively in groups.  They will be participating in activities using manipulatives and participating in classroom and group discussions. 

Course Objective:  To engage students in critical thinking where they will use their acquired math skills to solve relevant problems in a global context. 



I. Materials

  1.  3-5 pencils
  2. Pencil sharpener
  3. Red pen
  4. Ruler with inches and centimeters
  5. Notebook paper
  6. Graph Paper
  7. Colored pencils

Donations are greatly appreciated.  We need:


*Hand Sanitizer


II. Grading

Your final grade for this course will be calculated as follows:

     Homework/Classwork                               20%

     Assessments (Tests/Projects)                 80%


Homework Expectations:

  • All work is to be done in pencil only
  • Work is neat and orderly
  • All work must be shown (no work = no credit)
  • If a student is absent, he/she has the same number of days absent to complete the work
  • Late work will be accepted for partial credit, but can only be turned in within one week of due date


Assessments: There will be multiple assessments for each unit.  Students may retake a quiz only if they have come in for after school tutoring.




Grading Scale

A+   100% to 98%   A 97.9% to 92%   A- 91.9% to 90%

B+   89.9% to 88%  B 87.9% to 82%   B- 81.9% to 80%

C+   79.9% to 78%  C 77.9% to 72%   C- 71.9% to 70%

D+   69.9% to 68%  D 67.9% to 62%   D- 61.9% to 60%

F      59.9% or below


Attendance:  Attendance is essential in this course for success.  It is important that students do their assignments on time to keep up with the pace of the curriculum.  If a student must miss a class for any reason, then it is their responsibility to stay after school to make up what was missed.


III. Extra Help

The Math Department will offer after school tutoring beginning in September.  Tutoring will be offered:

            Tuesdays from 2:15 to 2:45

            Thursdays from 2:15 to 2:45

Tutoring will rotate between teachers.  Please see the math bulletin board between E2 and E3 for which room tutoring will be offered each day.


Again, welcome to our class! I am looking forward to an amazing year!

Math 7

(951) 736-3221


*E-mail is the best way to reach me.  Please allow 24 hours upon receipt of your email for a reply.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due