Course Syllabus

Welcome to Raney Intermediate's CAASPP Online Training class.  

This following modules will take you through various aspects of the CAASPP test. In Module 1, you will have a review of CAASPP and Testing Protocols, along with a Quiz to Check for Understanding.  Module 2 and 3 will cover Practice Tests and Training Tests for the viewpoint of a Teacher and a Student.   Module 4 will cover Test Day materials and Protocols for our school and Module 5 will provide you with a step by step tutorial for generating a Test ID for your week of testing.  

Before moving on to Module 1, please respond to our class poll "Anxious or Calm".

Thank you for visiting the CAASPP Online Training class. Please refer back to the various tutorials to help you prepare for your testing week. 



Course Summary:

Date Details Due