Course Syllabus

8th Grade Language Arts Honors (periods 2 & 3):

Office Hours:  2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, by appointment

Email Address:

Course Description:

Students will focus on mastery of the eighth grade Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts (reading, writing, speaking & listening, and language conventions), while integrating the Learner Profiles and Global Contexts inherent in the IBMYP curriculum and guidelines.  In addition, students will complete a variety of projects through Independent Reading assignments (as required by the California State ELA Framework). Independent Reading assignments will be included in each of the three trimesters (one project per trimester).


The curriculum for this course aligns with the California Common Core Standards for ELA, the CNUSD-adopted curriculum guidelines for 8th grade, and integrates the IBMYP Global Contexts, Learner Profiles, and comprehensive units of study.  

Independent Reading Requirement:

In addition to in-class reading, you will be responsible for reading self-selected, reading-level appropriate novels and non-fiction texts throughout the year. In conjunction with the reading, you will complete a variety of assignments and projects as part of the Independent Reading Requirement, such as Dialectical Journals, a personal interview, in-class presentation, etc.  *Important Note: Parents must approve all independent reading selections.


Remind is an app that allows me to send important reminders and information to students/parents from time to time via text message/email.  Information will be provided on how to opt-in to text messages/email through Remind.

Student Planners:

Students will be encouraged to use a Student Planner (provided by Raney Intermediate School) in order to keep track of daily assignments and upcoming projects/deadlines. I encourage parents to monitor students’ use of the planner.

Homework/Homework Policy:

Students will occasionally have homework related to our units of study.  These assignments are intended for enrichment, extension, practice and review. Homework may also include work that was not completed in class.  Time will be allotted during each class period for students to record assignments in their Student Planners and to review instructions and expectations.  Students who fail to submit completed homework on the due date will received reduced/no credit. Please understand that failure to complete work compromises your ability to master grade-level standards.


In preparation for high school, ALL formal essays are required to follow MLA format. This means that students must use a proper heading and follow all the guidelines of MLA format. MLA format will be reviewed in class.  Some assignments will be required to be typed (double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman or Calibri font). I encourage students to have a flash drive to save work, as we will be using the computer lab this year.  Please bring the flash drive with you each day, in the event that it is needed to save work.

Due Dates:

On the day work is due, it must be submission ready. It is the student’s responsibility to write, type, print, post, and/or email final drafts by the assigned due date.  Students must consult with me prior to the submission due date in the event of printer or other technical issues (via email or in person).  Please be responsible and plan ahead to avoid last-minute problems.  I am unable to print documents for you from my classroom printer.  Please utilize the computers and printers available for student use in the Raney Intermediate School Library.

Plagiarism/Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is expected on all assignments. Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of another as one’s own. Cheating or engaging in academic dishonesty on an assignment or assessment violates ethics and school rules.  Any work that exhibits cheating/plagiarism/academic dishonesty will result in loss of credit, parental notification, and disciplinary action may be taken. When in doubt, CITE EVIDENCE!! Also, if you have questions, it is ALWAYS better to ask!


It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve missed handouts/assignments from the Absent Files in the back of the classroom. CNUSD policy allows students two days for each excused absence to turn in missing work. In the event of an extended absence, personal arrangements can be made; please contact the office if your student will be absent for 3 or more consecutive days. In the event of an unexcused absence, no credit will be given for missing work.  Please check my TeacherWeb webpage for daily Agendas and homework assignments.

Help Time:

If you need additional help with an assignment beyond the academic school day, or access to technology, please notify me before the assignment due date. Students may schedule an appointment with me after school (except on Wednesdays).


You are expected to be in your seat at the start of the class period. If you are running late from another class you must have a yellow Raney Intermediate Hall Pass to excuse the tardy.  Unexcused tardies will be handled according to the Progressive Discipline Steps (see Student Planner for details).


Various tests and quizzes will be administered throughout the school year. Assessments can take the form of performance tasks, on-demand writing assignments, multiple choice quizzes and tests, and assessment on the IBMYP Language & Literature Rubric.

Test retakes/ re-dos are available for all students at the teacher’s discretion.  Students will be required to submit a retake/re-do plan sheet and provide evidence of relearning efforts before assessments/ tests can be redone.

Students have a one week window from the original submission due date to submit formal writing/assessment missing assignments (essays, projects). All re-dos/retakes must be completed during the unit of study, not beyond. Students will be periodically assessed using the IBMYP Rubric for Language & Literature (Year 3), as well as district-mandated assessments             


Recommended Supplies:


  • A 3-ring binder
  • A spiral-bound notebook
  • A set of tabbed dividers
  • Loose-leaf college-ruled notebook paper
  • Colored ink pen (any color except blue or black)
  • Highlighters of different colors (at least 3 different colors)
  • A flash drive
  • Colored markers (not fine point)
  • Index cards (3 by 5)
  • A loose-leaf Binder Ring
  • Post-It notes


Class Rules:

  1. Respect yoursel
  2. Respect others.
  3. Respect the classroom communit


Behavior and Discipline

Students are expected to arrive to class on time, be prepared with books and materials, and show respect.  Students are also expected to adhere to the school wide and classroom rules and expectations at all times. 

  • Electronic devices (cell phones, i-pods, video games, etc.) are not permitted unless they are being used for instructional purposes. Inappropriate use of electronic devices during class will result in confiscation of the device.  The device will be turned in and logged in the front office and a parent must make arrangements to pick it up.
  • No gum chewing, eating, or drinking (juices, sodas, etc.).  Water bottles are encouraged!
  • Hats must be removed within the building.
  • The school-adopted Progressive Discipline Steps will be followed. Please refer to the Student Planner for clarification.


Individual Consequences:

If a student chooses to violate the class rules, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Verbal Correction
  2. Refocus
  3. Parent contacted
  4. Parent/Teacher Meeting-a behavior contract may be initiated
  5. Administrative Referral

Note: severe behavior infractions will result in immediate escalation of consequences

Grading Policy:


A+ = 98% – 100%                           A = 92% – 97.9%     A- = 90% – 91.9%       

B+ = 88% – 89.9%  B = 82%-87.8%     B- = 80%--81.9%

C+ =78% -- 79.9%   C   =72%--77.8%                          C- = 70%--71.9%

D =    60%--69.9%                          F=    59.9%  or below


Students and parents may use the Student/Parent Connect online grading program to monitor progress.


Students:  I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging year of learning in preparation for your promotion to high school!  To that end, I expect you to put forth your very best effort in all you do this year. 

Parents:  Please feel free to email me at any time if you have questions, concerns, or would like to discuss your child’s progress. 


Mrs. Genty

Course Summary:

Date Details Due