Course Syllabus

Mrs. Macias-Mora                                                                                                     (951) 736-3221                                                                                    Room: E6


English Language Development (ELD) 2 and 3 

Seventh & eighth grade ELD 2 and 3 classes incorporate the California Common Core Standards and English Language Development Standards that focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, as well as on the three modes of communication: collaborative, interpretative, and productive.  ELA and ELD differs from other classes, such as math, in that the content does not necessarily follow a specific progression that advances to more difficult material.  Instead the standards are taught holistically (many at once) instead of in isolation.   


Grading Policy – Academic Achievement & Citizenship

Students will be assessed in a variety of ways to determine their progress toward mastery of the standards and learning objectives. At Raney, our top priority is motivating students to reach their full potential.

A+     100% to 98%         B+     89.9% to 88%        C+     79.9% to 78%        D    69.9% to 60%

A       97.9% to 92%        B       87.9% to 82%         C       77.9% to 72%         F    59.9% or below

A-      91.9% to 90%        B-      81.9% to 80%        C-      71.9% to 70%


Please note: All formative and summative tasks and assessments must be completed.  These are the assignments and tests that will identify a student’s mastery level of the standards and will also determine his or her final achievement grade in the class.  Therefore, after-school support will be provided to ensure completion of these tasks and assessments.


Absence Policy

As per district policy, if students are absent, they will have two days per absent day to make up any missing assignments.  For tests and quizzes, students should make arrangements with the teacher to make up a missed assessment within the grace period of two days.  Should a student fail to make arrangements, the teacher will request that he or she come in during lunch or after-school to complete the missed assessment. 


Classroom Expectations

All students are required to follow the campus-wide rules, which are also listed in the student’s planner.    In addition the expectations presented, the following three principles are equally essential:

  1. Respect Yourself: Come to class prepared. Be ready to learn with an open mind and be seated in your desk ready to participate.  Strive for your personal best at all times. 
  2. Respect Others: Have respect for your classmates and Raney Intermediate staff.  Seek to help others learn rather than disrupting the learning process.  Remember to use classroom hand signals and academic language during discussions.
  3. Respect the Learning Environment: Treat all materials and property with the utmost care. Be punctual to avoid lesson disruption and consequences.

Successful students do the following:

  • Arrive on time by taking the shortest pathway.  (Three tardies will warrant an after school detention.)
  • Visit the restroom during passing periods. (There are four minutes between passing periods.)
  • Except for water, do not consume gum, candy, drinks, or food in the classroom.
  • Make sure their electronic device is fully charged and ready to use for educational purposes.
  • Practice demonstrating IB Learner Profile attributes and the 8 Keys of Excellence.
  • Remember to be original about their work; failure to meet academic integrity will warrant severe consequences (  “If you are caught plagiarizing an assignment, the incident will be documented and your actions may result in the loss of the IB Medal.” -Ms. Hudson-Douglas, 2014

Together, with my parent(s) or guardian(s), I have read this entire course syllabus and understand the information and expectations.  In addition, I understand that by meeting the classroom expectations and rules, I am choosing to live above the line, which contributes to a learning environment that will be safe and conducive to learning,  and will earn me an “O” in citizenship.

I hereby agree to the classroom expectations and rules as described in this syllabus.  I understand that I am capable of living above the line and that if I slip below the line, I will need to advocate for myself in order to improve, or I will need to face the *progressive consequences.  I also agree that should I fall below the line, I will follow the advice to reflect in order to help myself learn from my mistakes, so I can return to living above the line.

*Progressive Consequences: 

1.) Warning

2.) Planner notice for parent to sign

3.) 10 min. Lunch Detention with planner notice for parent to sign 

3.) After school detention, up to one hour, with planner notice for parent to sign

4.) Call home - phone conference

5.) Parent Conference Request with Assistant Principal

6.) Meeting with the Principal

Course Summary:

Date Details Due