Course Syllabus




Instructor: Mrs. Amanda Meyer

Location: F- 207


Phone: (951) 738-2100 ext. 1627



Course Description: The Advanced Placement Psychology course is a college level course that is taught at an accelerated pace.  The course is designed to introduce students to the fascinating world of psychology.  Students will study the psychological facts, principles and phenomena associated with each of the major sub-fields within psychology.  They will also learn about the methods psychologists use to monitor and evaluate psychological processes. Topics will include research methodology, statistics, personality development and theories, therapy, developmental psychology, biological bases of behavior, learning, social psychology, sensation, perception, states of consciousness, memory and other cognitive processes, intelligence and testing, motivation, emotion, mental illness, stress and diversity.  The course also seeks to prepare students to take the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in Psychology, offered every year in May. 


Course Objectives:

Students will:

  • develop a greater understanding of the complexity of human behavior and thought processes
  • learn about the various tools psychologists use to investigate psychological phenomena and the limitations associated with each of these methods
  • assess the contributions from key research in psychology that has been conducted over the past century
  • evaluate the various schools of thought (approaches) employed by psychologists, including the psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, biological, and socio-cultural perspectives
  • identify the physiological roots of behavior, thinking, and emotion
  • explore the dynamics of cognitive processes, in particular memory, judgment, and intelligence
  • appreciate the myriad social factors influencing individual behavior and thinking
  • investigate maladaptive behavior and thinking and explain the various therapeutic modalities psychologists use to remedy such behavior and thinking
  • value the connection between psychology and other disciplines
  • apply psychology to everyday phenomena and human interactions


Course Materials:

Course Textbook:  Psychology, 8th ed. by Dr. David Myers.  New York: Worth Publishers, 2007

Study Guide:  Psychology 7th ed. Richard O. Straub.  New York: Worth Publishers, 2004

Supplemental: Barron’s “How to Prepare for the AP Psychology Exam” by Robert McEntarffer and Allyson Weseley.


Required Materials: You will be required to bring the following to class everyday:

  • Bound composition notebook
  • Loose-leaf paper and plain white computer paper.
  • Writing utensils (pen and pencil).


Grading Policy:  The student’s grade is calculated by a points system.  Students will receive points for their completion and achievement on assignments, projects, presentations, quizzes, tests, essays, and final exam.  Each is worth approximately the following percentages of the semester grade:

Homework and In-Class work……………………………………………..15%

Quizzes and Tests………………………………………………..…………50%

Projects, Presentations, Essays……………………………………………..25%

Final Exam………….……………………………………………………...10%

NOTE: There is NO late work accepted-NO Exceptions. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the make- up work and you will be given the amount of class days missed to return it. IF YOU ARE ABSENT THE DAY A PROJECT IS DUE- IT'S DUE WHEN YOU RETURN.

If you are absent the day of a test you have until the following Thursday ONLY to make it up during tutoring hours (Thursday 6:30-7:30 AM.) Example: Test is on a Monday, you have to make up exam on Thursday of the same week.

A:  90%-100%      B:  80%-89%     C:   70%-79%    D:  60%-69%    F:  59% and below


Course Outline: The following describes the direction the course will take and the approximate percentage of questions on the AP test as it pertains to each unit within the course.  The entire course will be divided into 14 units, each with its own learning objectives and expectations.


Classroom Rules and Expectations

  1. ALL school rules apply in class. This includes the dress code, the restriction on electronic devices (i.e. ipods, headphones, and

cell phones, the tardy policy, etc.)

  1. Be prepared both mentally and physically
  2. Be on time to class
  3. Follow instructions the first time
  4. Complete work in an organized and timely fashion
  5. Treat everyone with respect and tolerance
  6. Never cheat or plagiarize
  7. No food or drinks allowed (except water)


Throughout the year, the course will cover numerous topics and various assignments. The layout for AP Psychology units are as follows:

  1. Daily Notes and Assignments
  2. Quizzes
  3. Study Guides
  4. Projects
  5. Unit Test/Final

Daily Notes and Assignments

Class assignments will begin when the bell rings and students will be expected to complete all assigned work. There will be a Bell Ringer activity to start the period and various assignments throughout class sessions including PowerPoint Presentations, reading activities, simulations, video clips, and use of computers. Students will complete some assignments in class, however, they will be required to complete readings and assignments outside of class in the time allotted. There will be NO late work accepted in this class. (No Exceptions!)

Quizzes, Study Guides, and Tests


Students will have brief reading quizzes at any given time throughout the course of a unit.

Study Guides will be given for EVERY unit test and are due on the test date. Students will also participate in review games and activities to prepare for each test. Students will complete online canvas quizzes before each unit exam.

Unit test dates will be given at the start of each unit. Students who are absent the day of an exam will have to make up the exam during tutoring office hours Thursday morning 630-730 am (no exceptions will be made- students can always take the exam early)

NOTE: If a student scores 69% or below on any unit test, earning a D or an F, they will be REQUIRED TO ATTEND MANDATORY TEST MAKE UPS during tutoring office hours. Thursday mornings 630-730 am.



There will be projects assigned for some units throughout the year. These projects will be used as valuable assessments of the course and incorporate standards based content to ensure student comprehension of the material. It is very important that students start their projects as soon as they are assigned. They can become challenging if done at the last minute.


This course covers a wide range of topics and videos have become a great tool to implement as an alternative resource. I have included a list of a psychology based videos that will be shown in clips, sections, or full length through the course.  The video ratings range from PG-R. If you don’t feel comfortable having your child view these types of resources please let me know and we can have them participate in an alternate assignment. 

*The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus at anytime.

Students/Parents/Guardians: Please complete the below information confirming your son/daughter provided my classroom rules and expectations for you to read. Your signature on this sheet clearly demonstrates that you are fully aware and understand the class policies, rules, and expectations.

Return this sheet only with instructions on the easiest way to contact you in the event it is necessary.

Student name:__________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________ Date:_______________

Student Email (please print clearly):                                                                                       

Parent/Legal Guardian:

Print Name:_____________________________________________________________   Signature:________________________________________ Date:______________

Email (please print clearly):                                                                                                                 Best Phone Number:






























Course Summary:

Date Details Due